Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My bad...

So I haven't blogged since April 19th. I've been taking some photos but I just can't keep up with the daily project anymore. A photo a day sounds so simple but carries so much pressure with it, really.
Maggie got sick for an entire week so I pushed it aside. Then I didn't feel well, then came work... Before I knew it, a couple weeks had passed.
I guess I'll just have to update as it comes to me instead of forcing myself to find something every single day. I'm sure it'll be at least somewhat more interesting.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 24

Will post later...sick chirrens

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 23

This is kind of like those magic eye posters where you have to squint and stare for a bit.
We have 8 foot wide picture windows in the living room & dining room which are hit by birds on a weekly basis. This poor bird hit at such full force that it left a complete print of him. It didn't photograph well but I can see the outline of every feather and his smushed birdy face.
I'll be looking out for something I can hang in the window so they can tell to put the breaks on.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 22

I made brownies...from scratch!! And they're low fat/low calorie! I used prunes to cut down on the butter so everyone was hesitant to try them. They turned out awesome & chewy. Jack snuck a second one when no one was looking.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 21

Today's photo was inspired by this picture:

My BFF, Angie, sent me this picture of her mousepad at work. It was taken during our New Kids on The Block Cruise in 2009. We had our dream of meeting NKOTB fulfilled after 20 years.
Every time I see this picture I think about all of the fun we had together on our adventures. We went to 2 concerts in Atlanta and then the cruise to the Bahamas.

So here's today's photo:

I pass this gas station every day and it makes me miss Angie every time.
The Full Service concert was the best yet...

This photo is a testimony to how awesome is. Can you believe how close we were to Danny?!

We look like drowned, skanky rats drunk on really expensive drinks. It rained more that night than I can ever remember in Atlanta.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 20

A street sweeper!
Georgia should really invest in some of these. I think it is really nice that they even come through our neighborhood. If I could give Cheyenne 1 compliment, it would be that this town is very clean.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 19

We live in a home built in 1954, and then added on to in the 70's. It really shows in the decor. My bathroom has original pink toilet & bathtub! Our den has exposed brick, diagonal paneling and this crazy straw wallpaper.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 18

Jack fell asleep on aisle #2 and was snoring all the way through the grocery store! This was a major shopping trip so I was there for a long time. His nap lasted all the way through shopping, checkout, ride home and even while I put all of the food away! I wouldn't mind this happening every time we shop.


I feel the same way about babies and/or WalMart.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 17

Took the kids to Fossil Creek park in Fort Collins, Colorado. It was 75 degrees there and only 60 in Cheyenne.
We played for a good while and then stopped at the Old Navy since our town doesn't have one.
I wish we lived in FoCo instead but it is 45 minutes south of the base. That doesn't sound like a big deal but the main highway between the towns closes frquently during the winter.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 16

I had a weak moment today and really wanted this donut. The threat of a government shutdown and no money is getting to me. I try not to have this crap in the house anymore but it was grocery day so the kids got gas station breakfast. I promise the rest of the donut was eaten by a kid.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 15

My wedding dress.
My $20, B. Moss, purple wedding dress. I'm working hard to wear this again. Good thing it isn't a big, white froofy thing or that would look weird at Applebees.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 14!

MMMMM, asparagus stir-fry w/rice.
Hey, No one said these photos had to be interesting!
Scott & I are trying really hard to be healthier from now on and it seems to be working. I've lost close to 30 pounds since Halloween. We're doing it the old-fashion way: exercise & diet. I'm working out 5-6 days a week and not exceeding 1400 calories per day. I've also come to a point where I enjoy my treadmill time.

I have 50 pounds until I've reached my goal weight. Which would put me back where I started when we got married.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 13

It finally feels like Spring!! I shoved the kids outside this morning and told them not to come back until dinner time...which isn't working to well.
But they'll thank me for the sun because here is the forecast for the rest of the week:

*Maggie is wearing a tank top but there's a huge pile of snow a few feet away from her.
*I couldn't tell when I took the picture, but the dog is sniffing a dead bird!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 12

Jack has been sick for the past week or so. I really really can't wait until he's back to normal. I decided I'd post some pics of him happy to remind myself what that looks like.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 11

The view from my treadmill! It was 74 degrees yesterday and today we had about 5 inches of snow! I didn't mind this snow because it melted off the streets and driveway quickly. Shoveling is not as fun as it looks on t.v.

P.S. I'm down 25 lbs. since Halloween.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 10

I wish I could be half as photogenic as this dog! I love my almost-11 year old dachshund, Weinerdog. We got him from a weinerdog/donkey farm our first Christmas together. The plan was to have a dog for a bit and have kids way way later. I was pregnant the following month.

He takes so much abuse from Jack but is always rewarded...

Day 9

I swear I took pictures for Friday but my phone isn't letting me have them back. Maybe it's a sign no one should see them? I sang karaoke at a bar with new friends and had a great time. Will edit when I figure this damn phone out.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 8

He cried for 2 hours while Scott was out with Maggie because he was stuck on his game.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 7

I was struggling to think of something to photograph for day #7 until I went to my room to change for bed.

I didn't realize I'd read so much this month! The majority of the pile belongs to the Laramie County Library. I have a couple magazine subscriptions (extremely cheap on Amazon) and I like to shop the bargain bins at Barnes & Noble.

I'm trying very very hard to spend more time reading print, less online.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 6

We're 1 week into Spring and I'm still waiting for the weather part of the season to find us. I shouldn't complain because it could be way worse. In Georgia, we'd be stuck indoors, avoiding the pollen and tornadoes.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 5

My favorite chair! My mom bought this rocking chair at auction while I was still in high school. She drove a Dodge Neon but still managed to squeeze it in and get it home.
It was in a corner of my bedroom in my first apartment, OUR first apartment, then Maggie's nursery. We've moved several times together and I always find a place for it. But for some reason, this time the chair ended up in the basement. I think it might be better off down there, away from juice boxes & popsicles.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 4

This weather sums up the feel of the past week. I guess Cheyenne doesn't really believe in Spring. It will never be safe to put away the snow blower and car scrapers. I should mention there's an airport runway to the right of those streetlights. I would hate to be a passenger flying in today!

Bonus photo! A rarely captured, smiling Maggie!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 3

Inhereited costume jewelry from Great Grandma Edythe.
I need to display this jewelry because its too neat to keep shoved in a vintage Bulova watch box.
I could never wear any of it because it was apparently made for very dainty ladies with teeny tiny necks.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 2

I started the day folding laundry and somehow ended the day folding even more.
How do I have so much to wash when it seems like my entire family spends 20 hours a day in pajamas? It wasn't all bad; I watched a good bit of the final season of Big Love while I worked.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 1

There was a time when I was never without my camera and I have probably spent a small fortune on film processing. Life got in the way and and I took less & less photos.

Starting today, I'm committing to the 365 project. I will take at least 1 photo a day for a year. Maybe it will help me remember where the year took us, or just give our friends and family a peek into our life now that we're so far from 'home.'

Please harass me when I slip!